Friday, May 28, 2010

God's timing = NOW! Employed!!!

Got the job I wanted. Very fast turnaround. Had my first interview Mon, 4 interviews later, offer today! Big fat sigh of relief. I can breathe again. I didn't realize how long I'd been holding my breath.

This is a place I can land and grow some roots. No more running away. No more standing in my own way. I'm at peace. I'm happy. I'm excited and I'm ready.

I have too much inside, not ready to come out yet I guess as I've feeling kind of speechless. Me. Speechless. I'm sure I'll have more to say later.

So for now I'll just say thank you for the prayers, the encouragement, the support, the shoulder, the listening ear, caring heart. It pulled me through. I appreciate the continued prayers as I start this new journey. Into the unknown, but a very exciting unknown. EMPLOYED!!

Blessed, loved and taken care of. In so, so many ways!

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